BEULAS y su historia
Beulas, S.A.U., es una empresa familiar que inició su actividad en el año 1934 y que ha crecido de forme constante a lo largo de 3 generaciones. Su evolución cronológica es la siguiente:
Beulas, S.A.U., is a family firm which started operations in 1934 and has grown constantly throught three generations.
Beulas, S.A.U., is a family firm which started operations in 1934 and has grown constantly throught three generations.
Ramón Beulas y Narcis Pujol crean carrocerías Beulas, se dedican a la construcción de carrocerías de madera. Los modelos carrozados en esa etapa son el G.M.C., Citroën, Lancia y Katiuska (35 plazas), eran chasis de camiones transformados en autocar.
La plantilla era de doce trabajadores.
Ramon Beulas and Narcis Pujol created Carrocerías Beulas, building wooden coach bodyworks adapted to lorry chassis made by G.M.C., Citroën, Lancia and Katiuska (35 seats).
The workforce consisted of twelve employees.
The workforce consisted of twelve employees.
During the Spanish Civil War, Beulas built ambulance bodies for the army.
The company became a private limited company with the name of Jaime Gelada S.L., Ramon Beulas being a 50% partner. In this period, bodyworks were made to order for each costumer, producing some 6 units a year.
El modelo que revolucionó el mercado se denominaba ZEPPELIN, su diseño era "chato" (por tener la forma de la nave aérea de este nombre). En éste período se carrozaban alrededor de unas 10 unidades al año y la plantilla era ya de 20 trabajadores.
On the death of Jaime Gelada, the firm came under the full ownership of Ramon Beulas.
The model that revolutionised the marked was named ZEPPELIN, as it had a similar shape to the airships of that name. At that time some 10 units were being made each year and the firm had 20 amployees.
These were years of transition, with the entry into the market of wood and metal bodyworks: the firm made both types, and also a mixture of the two, known as Semi-metallic. The trend was to make the nose shorter. In this phase, between 10 and 12 units were produced each year.
During this period metal bodyworks became standard, and the company increased its surface area by 900m2. It began to work on Pegaso, Sava and EBRO chassis, with both front and rear engines, of 12 meters length and 59 seats. The firm also perfomed van and bus conversions and mixed transformations producing 12 units a year with a workforce of 28 employees.
Vehicles began to be standardised, particulary the front and rear parts. This standardisation was fundamental to commence the process of annual production increases, wich has led us to our current manufacturing capacity. The staff by now consisted of 40 workers.
In this period, a new bodywork was created with its own design and personality, named BEULAS 75 (B-75). The factory premises were enlarged to some 10.000m2, of wich 3.400m2 were built up. The number of units made per year rose to 120, and the workforce 60 employees.
In 1980 Beulas obtained great success and prestige in the domestic market with the bodywork models Super Panorama and Panorama, thanks to their innovate design whether the lines of the vehicle whether the quality of the materials. In 1983 was manufactured the Eurostar E-83 model, its most important characteristics were: 3,70m height (giving to the passengers and the driver maximun visibility), a large luggage compartment (very important by that time) and the driver's position set lower than the floor of the passenger cabin.
The firm launched the Stergo model, which made a great impact on the market due to its aesthetics and functionality. This model included a new painting and finishing process, which required a new anlargement of 4,000m2 to the factory. At this time, Beulas began to create bodyworks for the French and Italian markets, and the number of employees rose to 96.
In this period the company still producing the Stergo model, introducing important improvements in both and production capacity. The model was adapted to comply with international regulations, since the specific weight of the foreign markets and began to make part in international trade fairs in Italy, France, Belgium, an so on.
In this period the company consolidated its growth. The workforce increased to some 190 employees and production to some 200 units a year. In the year 2002, a new model was launched in two versions, Aura and Cygnus, representing a new design incorporating important technological improvements.
We're working to offer a bus fleet of high quality, reliability and high profitability.
Renovation of two models: the classic Stergo to be called Spica, with a more modern remodeling exudes a dynamic model and remodeling midibus Gianino.
We're working to offer a bus fleet of high quality, reliability and high profitability.
Espero que les haya agradado esta pequeña gran historia de esa carroceria llamada Beulas, su pais de origen es España, a continuacion podras ver las opcioes de contacto con esta empresa:
I hope you liked this great little story of that bodywork called Beulas, their country of origin is Spain, then you will see the opcioes contact this company:
C. Riera Xica, s/n. 17401 ARBÚCIES (Girona) SPAINTel. (+34) 972 860 100 - 972 860 400 Fax. (+34) 972 861 286 - 972 162 619 o bien a la web: